“Ethnic” is directly derived from the word ethnography, indicating the science based on detail and analysis of the folk cultures of diverse...

Polish artist traditionally recreates wreath which was a part of religious or secular rites

October 16, 2016

“Ethnic” is directly derived from the word ethnography, indicating the science based on detail and analysis of the folk cultures of diverse communities and ethnic groups. Additionally, clothing and paintings on the face and body, which are specific to some ceremonies can be deemed as parts of ethnic group.
Based on the folk culture, Polish wreath and bunches of flowers were a part of either religious or secular ceremonies such as marriage, funeral, festivals, and Easter.
While industry developed decorative papers and cigarette, in late nineteenth and early twentieth century, new branch of handicraft was called ‘handicraft paper’ developed, which had been used in the manufacture of ornaments.
“In my project, I used techniques coming from Opoczno area, although this technique it is also an integral part of Malopolska and subcarpathian tradition”, said the author of vintouch.
“In each portrait I used the vintage textiles and clothes that I adapted to the needs of the portrait. Contemporary jewelry, partly bought by me, partly borrowed from friends fulfills the stylizations. Make-up is the final result of combining all the individual elements of styling. I used traditional methods of painting but also pieces of lace, fabric and other ornaments were glued”, the author continued.



You can also read the full article on vintouch.