Inspired by the children’s book, named ‘The Butterfly Workshop’ , by Gioconda Belli , which was about a character called Arno, one of the ‘...

Dutch artist brought new life to the broken butterflies by redesigned body parts and renamed them

January 02, 2017

Inspired by the children’s book, named ‘The Butterfly Workshop’, by Gioconda Belli, which was about a character called Arno, one of the ‘designers of all things’ who secretly wants to create something that is as beautiful as a flower and can fly like a bird. Arno works in a space where butterflies are designed and made, and this idea of a utilitarian workspace for beautiful creatures really linked to her imagination. That’s why the artist Anne Ten Donkelaar restored these broken butterflies. Since the artist had her own collection of damaged butterflies and workplace with butterflies, she gave the second life to them. 
To do so, the artist design body parts and newly named the insects, the names that reveal something about their recovery. For example, the 'Blue spinner' looked like it had died the moment it hatched from its cocoon.
“This leads me to make the body from a twig wrapped with blue thread. A few threads are still hanging loose, almost as though the butterfly is slowly unwinding and breaking free from its cocoon”, she said on her website.

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