Kevin Peterson transformed his imagination and inspiration from various journeys taking through life into his complimented artwork. He, in...

Hyper-realist painter imbedded trauma, fear and loneliness in paintings

January 17, 2017

Kevin Peterson transformed his imagination and inspiration from various journeys taking through life into his complimented artwork. He, in the following series, captured bears, foxes, wolves, lions and even hyena feature prominently in his work – not as threats, but as strong powerful companions of a girl.
This work deals with the idea of rigid boundaries, the hopeful breakdown of such restrictions, as well as questions about the forces that orchestrate our behavior.
“My work deals with isolation, loneliness and longing teamed with a level of optimistic hope. Issues of race and the division of wealth have arisen in my recent work”, he said on his website

You can see more on kevinpetersonstudios