Kirsten Stingle is a storyteller, performer, philosopher and sculptress. Before making sculptures, she exploited the found objects as an i...

Innovative and emotive ceramic sculptures were brought to life and are impossible to forget

February 08, 2017

Kirsten Stingle is a storyteller, performer, philosopher and sculptress. Before making sculptures, she exploited the found objects as an inspiration and she works under the term “conceptual umbrella”, in which she can explore various ideas from all sides.
The conceptual umbrellas direct her collection and act as a stable construct for her to explore different themes and to bounce within creatively. 
“It is more a process of thinking about and researching idea, recording all materials that speak to me in some way during that period. This process can last a while – but it’s extremely important as it anchors my work for the collection and is something I can return to for cohesive inspiration. As the narratives start to develop, I then create a storyboard for each piece with images from my notebook and ideas that develop during the clay building process. This storyboard is furthered during the assembly (mixed media) process. Looking at these storyboards, I can trace how I diverged from the original ideas and the development of the narrative”, she said in the interview with beautifulbizarre.

You can see more on her website.