Esthetic and splendid artwork of a Contemporary Surrealist Painter
After graduated from Queensland College of Art with a Bachelor of Fine Art in 2003, Joel Rea earned his glorious reputation through many work exhibitions Australia, the United States, England, etc. His oil paintings have been acclaimed in many prestigious art awards across Australia.
By the use of physical elements as a metaphor for human emotion and experience, the artist depicts nature as pulsating energy which is either majestic or threatening.
Even though he calls himself as a contemporary surrealist painter, his work is also a twist on the esthetics of the sublime in 18th century Romantic art.
Incredibly, because of his beautiful and intrigued paintings, which attracted viewers’ attention during exhibition, Rea was featured as one of thirty artists under the age of thirty who are revolutionizing the world of fine arts.
You can see more on his website and wowxwow.