The Melbourne-based and self-taught painter and illustrator has a love of nature and solo adventure. Due to this inspiration, the connectio...

“His love of solitude, the unknown and the natural world manifests itself through his artwork”

July 18, 2017

The Melbourne-based and self-taught painter and illustrator has a love of nature and solo adventure. Due to this inspiration, the connection between human narratives and nature has always been present in his work. 
Sam Yong works across different traditional media and his work has been exhibited in Paris, the United States, New Zealand and Melbourne, along with a multitude of private commissions across the globe.
“Sam Yong’s latest body of work, “Ritual,” is a series of narratives which draw from the rituals of human life: birth, consumption, courtship, mating, death and grief. Yong presents these themes through traditional painting and drawing techniques, paired with subject matter from the natural world as allegory. Hidden meanings and layered themes begin to emerge beyond the initial viewing and resonate with the audience while still seeming unfamiliar”, the beinart read.

You can see more on his website and beinart.