Having seen people continuously increased, the Growroom aimed to reincarnate nature in the cities, crop to supply current demand, and the n...

The Growroom, where edible foods will be produced to feed people in the cities, space 10

October 27, 2016

Having seen people continuously increased, the Growroom aimed to reincarnate nature in the cities, crop to supply current demand, and the needs in the future.
The Growroom, where filled with herbs, veggies, and eatable plants from floor to ceiling, becomes an artistic exploration of exceptional potential of urban cultivation.
“We envision a future where we start to grow much more food inside our cities. In complete self-sustaining eco systems, that supply us with super fresh food of highest quality. All year round. Food that tastes better, is healthier for us, more nutritional and doesn’t put massive pressure on our dwindling supplies of fresh water nor our environment”, a statement on space10 read.
This project was firstly exhibited at CHART ART FAIR, the project partner, and then on Vice’s Munchies Festival in Copenhagen’s meatpacking district.
Visitors are freely invited to have a look at the farm inside to smell various herbs and plants and taste a future where food is produced in a sustainable manner.
The Growroom was erected with the financial support from Raaschou and Tradium, and in collaboration with architects Mads-Ulrik Husum & Sine Lindholm, interaction designer Thomas Sandahl Christensen and gardener Sebastian Dragelykke, Tradium and Raaschou.
“Enabled by hydroponic systems, artificial lights and computerized automation we are able to give plants exactly what they need of water, minerals, oxygen. This means, plants can grow 4 or 5 times faster than in a field. Using 95 percent less water, producing much less waste, and without the need of soil nor sunlight, the method requires much less space than traditional farming, and ultimately leaves a smaller carbon footprint on the environment”. This is the most impressive statement appeared on space10.



You can see more on space10.