This tiny house project mobilized and used unwanted material to construct this exquisite house, installing in the field. By glancing extern...

“We recycle, upcycle and are continuously striving to waste less, consume less and need less”, The Greenmoxie Tiny House Project

October 25, 2016

This tiny house project mobilized and used unwanted material to construct this exquisite house, installing in the field. By glancing externally, you might think it is nonsense and will be a boring house to live in.
Once you approach and get inside you will learn more incredible things along with its creation.
The construction of this tiny house project was initiated by David Shephard, Greenmoxie Co-Founder. His idea immediately inspired other members of the team such as: Ian Fotheringham, Green building consultant, and Cornelius Quiring, Storyteller & helping hand.
“I’m not talking about a tiny house that is essentially a fancy trailer that needs to hook into the grid and sewage system, I mean a sustainable, off-grid, eco-friendly home that is a comfortable place to stay. The idea of living mortgage-free only added to the appeal. Combining the unique aesthetic of innovative designer David Shephard and the craftsmanship and ingenuity of builder Ian Fotheringham, we set out to build our Greenmoxie tiny house”, a statement on Greenmoxie read.
HVAC Systems, Electrical Systems, Water Systems, Appliances, and Features and Fixtures that you can see more here.
