Artist Jason Borders completed his education in Art and Design in 2009 at Columbus College. He is currently living in Portland, OR (at the ...

Jason Borders, artist who turned animal skulls and bones into striking features

November 15, 2016

Artist Jason Borders completed his education in Art and Design in 2009 at Columbus College. He is currently living in Portland, OR (at the same place where we mentioned about a South Korea-born artist, Stella Im Hultberg).
Originally, he is from Lexington and he had had work in Oregon, California, New York, the Southwest, London and Berlin. His work has been featured by certain online websites and soon will be available on Hey! Magazine, based in France, the UK and USA.
He was considered as a bit different from other artists, but similar to John Paul Azzopardi, since he did not have any intention to be artist or designer on bones, which is his main and skillful talent, as he said on his website that:
“I do not plan my designs. At all. I don’t think I would have the patience to finish anything if I did. I’m convinced that you’ll get better results from sticking to a simple approach that incorporates randomization, improvisation, intuition, etc. than thorough planning. It’s like Faulkner or early blues music. As an added bonus, if you do something a thousand times it will inevitably change and improve. There’s a certain regeneration to it. Consistency, rhythm, repetition have been very strong themes in my life. I work the way I do because it’s a format wherein just a few elements can be used to generate an infinite number of results. There are only a few things I could do a million times and not get bored and I put a high premium on them”.


You can see more on jasonborders.