‘Un dexième printemps’ is jointly initiated by three people, Margaux Rodot, Mickaël Martin and Benoit Tastet. Even though they have differe...

Many colorful balloons turn French courtyard into fascinating human-made haven

November 16, 2016

‘Un dexième printemps’ is jointly initiated by three people, Margaux Rodot, Mickaël Martin and Benoit Tastet. Even though they have different career, age and sensitivity, they still like to gather around and experiment together.
Also, they have a strong expectation that the results of all their projects will not be a juxtaposition of skill only, but a real symbiosis in which all of them can grow and make process.
They stated on festivaldesarchitecturesvives that: “We try to define our desires through these short stories. The establishment of a common basis of architecture desires is absolutely necessary to a collective future. Graduated from ENSAP-Bordeaux, we have built a strong friendship around common passions. In short, we are «a mates group» with various and complementary desires, mixed with so many trips and discussions”.
The main aim of using colorful balloons is to perceive these courtyards as firmly rooted trees in the city center whose all installation would be ephemeral blooms, and explained that: “Our installation, evocation of o-hanami (Japanese traditional custom to admire the ephemeral beauty of cherry blossoms) lets you immerse in a suspended moment. This timeless instant, evokes the image of petals dropping over wind. Come and enjoy this ephemeral clearing for a simple stop daydreaming, a meditative nap lying on the grass or an improvised picnic. This staging of the spring coming to its disappearance, invites the impatient passersby and the most sensitive dreamers, to meditate on the inviolability of passing time, on the delicate balance of life but especially on its perpetual renewal”.



You can see more on festivaldesarchitecturesvives.