‘Here Elsewhere’ installation was introduced at Cedar Lake by Hermès Maison during the encounter of Hermèse and Rober Wilson, the acclaimed...

‘Here Elsewhere’ installation was presented by Hermès Maison

January 13, 2017

‘Here Elsewhere’ installation was introduced at Cedar Lake by Hermès Maison during the encounter of Hermèse and Rober Wilson, the acclaimed director and visual artist.
Pierre-Alexis Dumas, artistic director of Hermès, has invited Robert Wilson to create an original installation work within which video portraits and live performers will interact with collections from the Hermès Maison Universe, crafting a unique relationship between man and objects.
 “It’s not about creating a ‘dream house’; it’s about the dream of a house and the emotional reaction that this immersive installation provokes”, he said on The trendland.
Hermès has long been a purveyor and pioneer of furniture and home accessories since the 1920s, at the outlet of collections designed by Jean-Michel Frank. Nowadays, Hermès collections for home include furniture, lighting, textiles and wall coverings, etc.

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