The talented artist lets his paintings describe the scenarios with creatures in unnatural, strange environment which either satirize or com...

Kama Takumi: Japanese artist who painted the wildlife and surrealistic of bonsai

January 10, 2017

The talented artist lets his paintings describe the scenarios with creatures in unnatural, strange environment which either satirize or comment on the lifestyle of animals and the way humans have mistreated them.
With his ridiculous view of his work, he told The trendland his purpose to make people enjoy the work and maybe a little laugh, by saying that: “For me what is simple, clear and the most important is how my work can stop someone in their steps, draw them into an unexpected world and even freeze time. Laugh and maybe find yourself a little bit frightened. Humor everyone can enjoy is very important in life. It needs neither reason nor explanation, otherwise it ceases to be funny. Look at the painting, check out the title, those who “get it”, will. I just want you to be free to laugh and enjoy it”. 

You can see more on combine-art and trendland