The artist spent times in his childhood to explore and romanticize the beauty of the sparse countryside and the deep forests around him. Af...

“The paintings become a living, breathing thing to me when the leaf is shifting and the oil is quiet”, Brad Kunkle

January 09, 2017

The artist spent times in his childhood to explore and romanticize the beauty of the sparse countryside and the deep forests around him. After finishing his study of painting at Kutztown University, and full of passion for discovering his own artistic sensibilities of traditional imagery, he worked as a commission-based portraitist, and began an almost decade-long journey of continued self-instruction and independent study. 
“As a decorative painter in his mid-twenties, he leafed entire walls in copper. He was beguiled by the shifting, life-like nature of the surfaces, and began to incorporate gilding in his work”, said wowxwow
In his paintings, he used gold and silver to serve two main functions, being symbolic which and direct reaction to viewer, because when someone walks across a room or dims the lights, they are affecting the painting and the painting is affecting them.

“I think of myself as more of a symbolist or surrealist. There is more concept than meets the eye in most of my work. Realism doesn’t excite me enough to want to be a realist… but I guess some of my work appears simple enough to be considered realism”, wowxwow quoted Brad Kunkle’s words from bein art gallery.

You can see more on bradkunkle