The creative artist likes gathering different sources including books, the net and photos before creating his own imagery. Frank Gonzales ...

“My various marks and color glitches mimic this uncertainty resulting in visual stillness and movement”

February 01, 2017

The creative artist likes gathering different sources including books, the net and photos before creating his own imagery. Frank Gonzales prefers combining elements that may seem believable picture wise, but would not normally thrive in real life.
The artist has never sketched out his ideas in advance but usually draws directly on the panel or canvas and sees what happens. However, he used Photoshop program to collage compositions. 
“I don’t sketch out my ideas beforehand. I usually draw straight on the panel or canvas and see what happens. However, I have used Photoshop to collage compositions and really dig how quick it is. Every time I use this approach I always ask myself why I don’t use it more often. I think I just forget. I really do enjoy seeing how the painting unfolds. It allows for decisions to be made along the way, etc.”, he said in the interview with wowxwow.

You can see more on his website.