The Bacelon-born artist, Lluís Barba , translated his inspiration and imagination into artistic pieces which look very messy and complicate...

Artist whose artwork is used irony and implicit message

March 12, 2017

The Bacelon-born artist, Lluís Barba, translated his inspiration and imagination into artistic pieces which look very messy and complicated. Critically, these pieces are created to emphasize social inequalities and human behaviors, political, religious, ethnic conflicts and human rights violations.
In addition, his works conceptually reflect the future evolution of the human being, with analysis of diversity and expansion of hybrid forms: internet, film, television and advertising, combining the visual and the verbal.
“Barba developed a reinterpretation opinion painting past related to the fragility of historical memory and power systems. His work of art masterpieces such as Bosch, Magritte, Brueghel ... establishing microhabitats in which prominent figures and aliens living individuals in our contemporary society”, the Wikipedia read.
“I get elements of a reality out of context in order to put them in another reality. I use irony and implicit messages in the works such as the global integration of our society. I incorporate the bar code tattoo like a symbol of lost identity, alienation, and massive consumerism”, artsy read.

You can see more on artsy