After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in drawing and painting at UCLA , Michelle Kingdom taught herself how to work on embroidery. Working dif...

Embroidery artist: “My work explores psychological landscapes, illuminating thoughts left unspoken”

March 13, 2017

After earning a Bachelor’s Degree in drawing and painting at UCLA, Michelle Kingdom taught herself how to work on embroidery. Working differently from those artists who use canvas, paint brush, pen or pencil to create their artwork, Michelle Kingdom use thread and special cloth to from stunning figures on it and she created tiny worlds in threat to capture elusive persistent inner voices. 
“Decidedly miniature in scale, the scenes are densely embroidered into compressed compositions. While the work acknowledges the luster and lineage inherent in needlework, I use thread as a sketching tool in order to simultaneously honor and undermine this tradition. Beauty parallels melancholy, as conventional stitches acquiesce to the fragile and expressive”, she said on her website.

You can see more on her website.