The contemporary artist Gabriel Dawe is widely recognized for his large-scale woven string sculpture series called “Plexus”, which is cons...

Plexus: the colorful and sensational installation series of Gabriel Dawe

March 24, 2017

The contemporary artist Gabriel Dawe is widely recognized for his large-scale woven string sculpture series called “Plexus”, which is considered as the world’s intricate network of nerves and vessels in human body.
This series of colorful and site-specific installations was created to explore the connection between fashion and architecture, and how they related to the human need for shelter in all its shapes and forms.
Specifically, his work is centered in the exploration of textiles, aiming to examine the complicated construction of gender and identity in his native Mexico and attempting to subvert the notions of masculinity and machismo prevalent in the present day.
From October 2016-2017, his Plexus C18 will be featured at San Antonio International Airport, Terminal A.
“The installation, a weaving of approximately 90 miles of colored thread hooked from wall to ceiling that emulates the dynamic shape of an airplane, will suspend from the vaulted ceiling of the Terminal A ticketing area. Plexus c18 is composed of more than 19 colors—creating a prism-like effect that represents the full spectrum of visible light”, the Blue Star Contemporary read.


You can see more on his website.