Born in Teheran, the Iranian artist Tanha and known as A1One, the name which derived from Alone, became the first artist in Iran who pain...

Iranian accomplished artist let his ethereal murals express his ideas and feeling

April 07, 2017

Born in Teheran, the Iranian artist Tanha and known as A1One, the name which derived from Alone, became the first artist in Iran who painted on the walls (murals) of Iranian city. His meaningful and striking murals inspired other artists of all generation.
After being arrested several times because he was accused of being political activist, the artist is currently living in Germany, where he continues his work.
“I neither intend to entertain people or advertise my art, nor to feed the Media or needs of the market. Graffiti or UrbanArt   to me, is not a trendy job or an Expensive hobby! I believe this Streetartertainment is a misunderstanding . Art must be uncontrollable & liberating”, he wrote on his website.

You can see more on his website and street art avenue