Louis Masai Michel artist , who has been living in London since 2010, decided to make a living from income earned from his creativity in ar...

“I maintain a fairly balanced combination of painting in the studio and painting murals in the public domain”

May 30, 2017

Louis Masai Michel artist, who has been living in London since 2010, decided to make a living from income earned from his creativity in artwork. 
Before becoming a renowned artist, he used to join his father in the studio for doing his art homework; since then Louis Masai Michel’s interest in art became flourished.
“My subject matter focuses on animals but always strives to find a human reference to juxtapose an element that might not be previously obvious. For example, with my show ‘Afrofabrication’ I entwined fabric patterns to the animals in an attempt to comment on a human desire to cover up, or indeed use flamboyant colours, to attract a mate. ‘Last of my kind’, documents critically endangered birds with references to extinct musicians. The idea for this series of work was to question why humans often fail to recognise a disappearing species yet mourn the death of a celebrity”, he said on his website.
His currently documentation of endangered creatures and raising of awareness of statistics has on occasion been associated with activism. He knew that it was a bit daunting as he only saw himself as an artist but he definitely saw the power of visual language and he was enjoying using that power through his murals and the modern world of social networking. 

You can see more on his website.