The contemporary artist Alexandra Manukyan created lively oil paintings which she used traditional symbolism to share an intimate mood and...

Surrealistic and ethereal paintings of Alexandra Manukyan reflect living condition of humans

June 07, 2017

The contemporary artist Alexandra Manukyan created lively oil paintings which she used traditional symbolism to share an intimate mood and emotion with the viewers. It is quite sure that those surreal elements she included in the art pieces would through you slightly off center, to make your aware that you are seeing a modern-day masterpiece rather than a classic work. 
When we are looking at her work, we would really feel nostalgic, a desire without words and it would be hard to describe what exactly we see in their faces; it seems that emotions are so intense and there are no worlds to express the visual experience reflected back at you.
“I have been greatly concerned about the global environmental changes, such as loss of biodiversity, species extinctions, and destruction of natural habitats. Through the middle of the coming century, it is likely the quality of life on earth will be compromised with dire consequences”, she said on her website.

You can see more on her website.