French artist Etienne Meneau proved his intelligence on design by creating his striking series of strange decanters. His artistic collecti...

Collection of vein-like and strange wine holders initiated by Etienne Meneau

November 09, 2016

French artist Etienne Meneau proved his intelligence on design by creating his striking series of strange decanters. His artistic collection was presented with a wide range of styles which predominantly characterized by two aesthetics: linear, vein-like forms, and rounded, heart-inspired orbs.
Also, the artist turned his decanter design into tree branches, plant roots, and other forms found in nature.
He explained on mymodernmet that: “My work turns around geometry and nature. I love to put some flesh on geometrical shapes… that’s why vegetal life interests me… It is a pure living geometry and algebra.”



You can see more on Etienne Meneau's website and mymodernmet.