Inspired by her curiosity about other realities, time and space, Anna Bu Kliewer challenges our perceptions of identity and nature by tran...

Hyper-stunning human figures transformed with deep imagery of Ukraine-born artist

January 20, 2017

Inspired by her curiosity about other realities, time and space, Anna Bu Kliewer challenges our perceptions of identity and nature by transforming found imagery into a new, surreal context. This artist, who is a mixed media artist working in either analogue or digital collage, started her journey around the world since she was 19; she used to live in seven countries, including a couple of years in Cape Town. 
Very similar to other artists and illustrators, Anna Bu Kliewer is exploiting collages as a way to explore the surreal experiences and initiate imagery firmly rooted in fantasy.
Like Kliewer, many artists and illustrators worldwide are turning to collaging as a way to explore the surreal experiences and create imagery deeply rooted in fantasy.

You can see more on breedlondon and paperontoast