While he was attending the University of Georgia in Fine Arts, Adrian Cox was captivated by a strong emphasis on expressive figurative te...

“I call these figures Border Creatures, as they are defined by these shifting and indeterminate edges”

March 01, 2017

While he was attending the University of Georgia in Fine Arts, Adrian Cox was captivated by a strong emphasis on expressive figurative techniques, which enormously kept his interest in working through representational practices in an unconventional way.
After earning his Bachelor degree in 2010, he firstly started his own experiments with drawing Border Creatures, monstrous characters, adorned with forest home which came from an interest in disrupting the way that we usually think about the categories of man and nature.
These Border Creatures were hybridized with mineral deposits, flora and fauna, leading to an immense physical relationship with their surrounding environment. Obviously, they evolved from more human figures. 
Before the creation of these stunning figures, the artist had sculpted the models which were made out of anything and everything he could buy cheaply at art supply store a thrift shop.
“Some of the materials that have found their way into the sculptures are fake fruit and flowers, rags, wax, socks, plasticine, acrylic paint, gel mediums, joint compound, and fluorescent spray-paint”, he told wowxwow.

You can see more his website.