The song titled ‘Set Fire to the Rain’ sang by Adele expressed the pain of a lost relationship and rain could be a metaphor for the tears s...

Blue candles are used to represent tears and burnt to form singer’s portrait

February 27, 2017

The song titled ‘Set Fire to the Rain’ sang by Adele expressed the pain of a lost relationship and rain could be a metaphor for the tears she cried and she is setting them on fire to burn and destroy her pain.
In relation to Adele’s song above, the artist Hongyi or Red used 1500 candles to create this singer’s figure.
To get this stunning portrait emerged in reality, this project took two weeks or so to plant out and Red spent around one week seeking for the right and suitable materials for forming Adele portrait. It also took her one week to find the way to use hot candle wax for making the figure appear.
At last, the pieces, which were made of melted candles, needed about seven hours to complete!
“In my portrait of Adele, I used blue candles to represent tears, and by setting fire to them, they melt and flow into each other, forming her portrait”, she wrote on her website.


You can see more on her website.